He’s got the whole world in His hand is an anonymous American religious that dates back to...
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The March on Washington
The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom took place on August 28, 1963 in front of the Lincoln...
Birmingham Campaign
In the 1960s Birmingham, Alabama was the largest industrial city in the South and according to the...
The Albany Movement
In 1961 Albany, Georgia, was a small town of 56,000 people where 40% were African American. In...
James Meredith and Ole Miss
James Meredith was born in Mississippi on June 23, 1933. He served in the Air Force from...
Freedom Rides
In March 1961 the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) decided to test the Boynton v. Virginia...
Sit-In Movement
Many African Americans inspired by the , the unjust murder of and the courage of had been...
Montgomery Bus Boycott
The Montgomery Bus Boycott was a protest in which African Americans refused to ride buses...
Emmett Till
His mother insisted in displaying his son’s body in a glass topped casket so that the world could...